Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2011 Debut Author Challenge

Hello, everyone!

Today I discovered the 2011 Debut Author Challenge on another blog and, because I'm feeling motivated and spontaneous this afternoon, I've decided to participate. I know, what a surprise, right? But, honestly, who doesn't like an excuse to read more? And it might just be me being too hopeful, again, but the image above (which they created) has diamonds on it, so I'm hoping that means we're anticipating a lot of good books this year.

What does this mean for you? Well, I will be posting book reviews on here for all twelve of the books I end up reading on top of those reviews I was originally planning on posting. Why? Because book reviews are nice, and I'm always looking for recommendations or warnings against books before I buy them. Also, because posting the reviews is part of the challenge.

Planning to Read:

The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
Queen of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

And... that's all I've had the time to look into so far but, obviously, there will be more. I'm excited!

Anyway, I'll be posting a nice link for easy access to the challenge over on the sidebar in a few minutes.

Anyone else signing up?


  1. Absolutely! Any excuse to read is a good one, though... as far as I'm concerned. So, thanks for creating the challenge?

  2. You've picked some awesome books for the challenge. I found you through the DAC sign up page and am now a new follower!!! Good luck for the challenge!
