Sunday, April 24, 2011

Graduation & College Stuff

So, I graduate from college on Friday, which is kind of weird to think about.

I have class that morning, starting at 8:30 AM, which includes one final exam and a group presentation. Fun stuff, that is, but not as fun as the fact that at 6:30 PM, I'm going to be wearing one of those spiffy looking cap and gown ensembles. Then I'll be walking across the stage thing they set up, and perhaps I'll come down the steps on the other side as a new person, but I doubt it.

Still debating on whether or not this is exciting or terrifying, but I guess I'll find out soon.

The best question, of course, is the all too famous: What are you going to do next?

Write. Sleep. Drink some coffee. Write some more. Drink some juice. Write. Eat. And maybe, just maybe, write some more.

The last class I'll be taking at this college?

Life Span Psychology.

Here's hoping that said course aids the writing process in some way. And, if it doesn't, I guess I'll probably know more about how my brain works by the end of it, which might be cool.

The End.

Actually, no, not the end.

What should I go to school for next?
  • Arabic Studies
  • Linguistics and Language Etymology
  • Creative writing
  • French
  • Italian
  • Math
  • Politics
  • Psychology
Yes, that is correct. I think you should make my major life decisions for me, since I am horribly indecisive about nearly everything. Please and thank you!


  1. Oh... I can't make my own, but sure, I'll give it a try.:P

    Of those, I'd take one of the language ones. Creative writing could be fun, and learning a new language is also great. I'm still stuck between whether linguistics is cool or boring, at the same time as etymology could be interesting...
    Hmm, then psychology could be interesting too.

    ...I'd take anything but politics, personally. Is my indecisiveness helping your indecisiveness at all?

    If I didn't already parle français, I'd take that or Arabic over Italian.:P

    This is a tough choice you've got here...

    Definitely creative writing or one of the languages. (I'm in a definitely-fun-subjects-only kind of mood.:P)
    I love new languages. They give you new ways of saying things, and make you realize things about English you didn't before. The pain doesn't come until later when you can't figure out how to switch something into English without losing some of its meaning.:P

  2. It seems that indecisiveness is a common affliction. Maybe somebody ought to look into a cure for it?

    Sure it is. Every little bit helps, right?

    I've even made a partial decision now. Linguistics is the major (for the moment), and I'm looking at a language minor. (I've already taken French, too, so perhaps I should expand my base and tackle one of the other two.)

    What are you looking at?

  3. Ah, I haven't even made it to university yet, but I have no clue which direction I'm headed in. I want to take all the subjects... But I'm sacrificing a year's worth of courses to French and school choice, so that can't happen. Still, I will find some way to fit Writer's Craft...

    I would like to learn German and Latin later. I like history too, and... Too many other subjects.

    I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure. I was thinking about taking Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology in summer school, but now I'm not going to, so I'll spend the summer between research, reading/games, my blog, and of course the Day Zero project.:)
    (Better add Camp NaNoWriMo to that list, as well. And with that I'm sure comes procrastination via forums.:P)

    Good luck with your work on the blog. I like reading it.:)

  4. I think I had more of an idea of what I wanted to do before I actually started college/university. Now I've had so many wonderful professors and they've all inspired me to move forward in several different directions.

    My first year was French courses and I support pretty much anything 'writing' related.

    I wish I could find a school that teaches Latin around where I live, but no luck so far.

    As for figuring it out eventually? I hope you do. I've been relying on that method a lot lately; it's not working, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or not.

    Day Zero?

    Camp NaNoWriMo?

    I think I have research to do...

    Thank you and I'm glad you like reading it! Hopefully I'll produce a lot more content this summer so that you actually have something new to read...

    Guilty of not posting regularly? Who, me? *shifty eyes*
