Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog Update Post!


So, funny story:

I didn't post yesterday... because I thought it was Sunday. Turns out, my younger brother had one more day off of school than I originally believed. That's the reason I didn't post. However, that is not what concerns me most. What concerns me most is that I am now, apparently, relying on my brother's school schedule to keep me up to date on how many days have passed since whenever I did whatever I was doing that was meant to be repeated on the same day, in the following week. The funny part is, even after that realization and my concern, I'm not entirely sure that I'm going to stop referencing his schedule in order to figure out what day it is.

Cheers to another occurrence in which I learned not much at all!

Anyway, on another, hopefully more interesting note...

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

It's 2012. I still find that a little bit hard to believe but, alas, it's true. The cool thing is, thus far, I haven't messed up and signed the wrong date to anything, yet. I'm not completely sure that counts as cool, though, since I actually haven't signed a date to anything yet this year. Probably not.

Also, I have some possible news.

Over the past few weeks, I've been mulling over a lot of those big "life" sort of questions in my head. And, naturally, that means my thoughts have been relatively chaotic. I'm not going to go over most of those thoughts here because they either aren't relevant, or they're still in the process of being thought up.

One thing I am going to share, though, is that there's a pretty big chance I'm going to be moving blogs.* Lately, I've realized that I have kind of locked myself in to a particular kind of blog here. And, while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, I'm having some difficulties with that. Now, I know, it's my blog and I can change the angle if I want to... or so it would seem. The thing is, my realizations always start out that straight forward, and then I complicate things. But let's stay focused on the idea of moving, and let's take a moment to give you a bit of proper reasoning.

Reasons I'm Thinking of Moving:
  1. I want to expand on the topics covered here and I want to schedule the topics to particular days so that I can make sure that you don't receive five music recommendations in a month and not much else, or two book reviews and three posts on books I want to buy or whatever. 
    1. In the Fall - or possibly the Spring - I'm going back to school for new stuff. I haven't actually decided on my major, yet, but if I like it, I'm going to want to talk about it. So, that will probably get its own day, too.
    2. There's another point that's getting it's own proper bullet... 
  2. I want to be more organized. If I'm being completely honest, this blog has been driving me crazy for months. I want to start again, kind of like moving house, and keep things neater.
  3. Due to the fact that I am going back to school soon, I need to start producing a decent income rather soon. That may seem to be a bit irrelevant to this post, but there's actually decent money to be made in blogging. 
    1. I started this blog for fun and I thought maybe I would update it on occasion with cool stuff. But, over all, I mostly figured I would get bored with it quickly. As it turns out, I rather enjoy blogging. And, as for the readers, I think you're all great and I don't really want to just ditch this.
    2. Because blogging does take up a lot of my time, though, I need to consider turning it into something that I can make a little bit of a living at. Otherwise, when I get a full time job, this will get shoved to the side and it'll be sporadic updates at best. 
    3. To make money at this, I actually have to create a clean, resourceful, and entertaining blog that stays on a proper schedule *cough* unlike the schedule I am currently not exactly running smoothly *cough*.
  4. Lately, I've really been feeling the urge to dive into my planned out career and start making it work. With that idea in mind, I would like to take up a new blog and eventually tie it in with what I'm doing in life. Not all of my life will be covered, obviously, but it would be fun to start sharing a bit more of what I actually do and to make blogging a bit more of what I'm actually doing. 
  5. And, even though it was special enough to have its own bullet point, I completely forgot the last point when I published this. Oops. Last, I have been wanting to build my blog up and connect with other blogs and causes I support. Over the holidays, I kept seeing videos and blogs regarding charity organizations and I realized that next year, I want to get involved in that sort of stuff. Also, I want to work with guest blogging, I think. So, one day per month, or something like that, I will probably assign to that sort of business.
So, there you have it. I do think I'll be moving. Or, at the very least, this site will be undergoing some major changes. I feel like I have pretty legitimate reasons for wanting to do this and, therefore, I'm actually considering it.

If you couldn't be bothered to read all of the above listed reasons, let's just go with: 

I've reached a new stage in my life. Things are changing and it's time for a change here, as well.

* Honestly, this moving thing is kind of a scary idea, really, but I'm looking forward to the change.


  1. Happy New Year's! I know how you feel with the blog. I made a schedule for mine last week, and I won't lie, I'm having trouble with it.

    I'm determined to get more organised this year though, and the blog is part of that. Actually, I've dedicated this month to organisation (each of my months is dedicated to working on one skill this year).

    Money never hurts. I had to search for a moment to find your little ad hiding down there, actually, so it certainly won't be bothering me. I hope it comes up with something interesting. I love non-annoying ads, but I also like commercials more than the rest of TV sometimes, so maybe I'm an exception.:P

    Uh oh... Now I have to give you links.:P




    Tragically, not all commercials are on YouTube... But I suppose you have enough there.:P

  2. I've been having trouble keeping a schedule for a long time. Going to try to change that, though.

    That sounds like a pretty good goal. Yeah, I saw that post. Interesting idea! I've compiled a whole list of stuff to do, but I can't divide it by month this year. Let me know how that goes for you? (Thinking I might give that a go next year.)

    I suppose. Huh, I didn't realize they were already up. I thought it was still awaiting approval. Anyway, TV commercials are often better than the shows. Especially during the Superbowl... not that there's anything wrong with football, but the commercials become so extravagant then. I hunt those down on the internet, most of the time.

    I just got off of Youtube for the second time today. Feed my addiction to that site, why don't you... :D Just kidding. Those were wonderful! I haven't done a funny commercial search in a long time.

    It is sad that they don't put them all on there, isn't it?
