Thursday, June 30, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo

I am horrible about checking my e-mail.

Therefore, before I get to the point, I have to say: Thank you, Neve! Without you, this post would not exist because I hadn't heard of this before you mentioned it.

Moving on. There's some fun stuff happening over at Namely, Camp NaNoWriMo has just opened! It even has it's own website, which is mentioned in the 'Breaking News' section of their front page.

For those of you who don't know, Camp NaNoWriMo is a novel writing summer camp created by the lovely people of the Office of Letters and Light. 

Okay, so you don't really get to camp. 

In reality, Camp NaNoWriMo is quite similar to NaNoWriMo. It's premise is the same. 50,000 words, one month. The difference is that Camp NaNoWriMo takes place in the summer, instead of during November - which is a great opportunity for all of us who have exceptionally busy Novembers to take some free time and settle down to write 50,000 words or more without stressing.

Even more fun, is the fact that Camp NaNoWriMo takes place during the month of July... and August. Two months of pure motivation right in a row.

Thank you, Office of Letters and Light! This is excellent.

For those of you who wish to participate, travel over to this link and sign up or sign in!
Camp NaNoWriMo

(I will be participating and, as I mentioned a couple posts ago, the bars on the side of my blog recording writing progress will be changing. 

Anyone in for a little competition?)

PS: Yes, I know it's Thursday. However, this post is relevant to tonight (starting at midnight), so I thought it was appropriate to post it early. Next week, things will run on schedule.


  1. I feel special.:):P
    I've been sneaking it into my posts everywhere, since I'm pretty sure most people aren't obsessive enough to check the website multiple times a day, like I do.:P

    I'll get some progress bars up myself soon. Competition? 'Kay. I'm going to win though.XD

    I'm sure I can do this and the Vacuum Contests at the same time...

  2. You are special! :)

    I haven't been reading many websites at all lately due to school and just general business, so I've been totally in the dark. NaNo always manages to surprise me when I cease paying attention, though, so perhaps it's time for me to become obsessive, as well.

    You sure about that? :D

    Sheesh, yet another thing to look up. How am I going to get anything done when you keep giving me stuff to research? Or is that the purpose? Sneaky way to win?

    Whatever the Vacuum Contests are, I'm sure you can manage both.

  3. Ooh, now that's a good plan. Too bad I'm out of ideas.:P

    Oh yes, I'm sure. Judging by your progress bar, you're only 2980 words ahead of me. Get writing!XD

  4. Ha, success! :P You can never distract me now!

    :D Going to do that now!

    How has your holiday been?

  5. Good so far. I'm working on my Camp NaNo checklist.

    Bug bites: Check
    Sunburn: Check
    Hand-Tube friction blisters: Check
    Word Count: Haha...

    Ever played Freerice?:P

  6. Sounds like you're doing well! :D

    I read your post on the sunburn, though. Sounds really painful. Got any aloe vera?

    And... now I want to go tubing.

    I have heard of that and, thanks to you, I'm now playing it again. See, you still have stuff in store! Congratulations!

  7. I do. I also tried vinegar though and I think it might work better. Ever so slightly. Maybe.:P

    It smells better than the gel anyways though. Mmm, French fries and salt and vinegar chips...XD

    Why thank you. I know, I'll do a post on something I think would make great novelling food soon. That might distract you for awhile.

    Or just me... I want it now.:P

  8. Huh, I didn't know vinegar worked on sunburns. Something to try next time I get one, I guess.

    Oh, yes. Salt and vinegar chips are awesome. I ran my bag out a few days ago.

    Food always distracts me when I have something that I should be working on. Even if I'm not hungry, it works. Maybe I'll write a post on food next week... including recipes and pictures. That can be your distraction! :D

    I've had a thought about this NaNo challenging thing. I suspect that we are doing this wrong. Are we bad at this if we're spending time trying to distract each other instead of writing to beat each other?

  9. Yep. It's more fun this way though.XD
    (I would have procrastinated anyways.:P)

  10. It is, and so would I. Oh well.

    All's well that ends with 50,000 words or more written by the end of the month?
