Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Have a wonderful holiday! 

Also, Camp NaNoWriMo update:

I need to be more disciplined. Granted, I really haven't been home much, but I am behind. I hereby donate the rest of today to writing... and not playing Free Rice.

How is your word count coming?


  1. I wrote 1000-some more.:)

    Happy 4th of July then!

    Writing? No no... Don't you have some fireworks to watch or something?:P

  2. Yay! Progress! Oh, wait... I'm supposed to be writing, too, aren't I?

    Thank you!

    Nope, I watched fireworks last night. :D And, hence, I didn't get anything done yesterday. We got lost on the way home or writing would have occurred upon getting home, but it was late and I went to sleep, instead.

    (Oops, I need to start paying attention to what I'm doing, accidental deletion of previous post. Apparently, I can't read when I'm hungry.)

  3. Food is good. (Especially the kind I'm going to post about.:))

    Well, if that's the case you should definitely go back to playing Free Rice.:P

  4. That probably would be the sensible thing to do...
