Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Nightly Goodness

Most people have an addiction of some sort.

This is mine. 

What's in that cup?

- hazelnut coffee
- steamed milk
- caramel topping
- and a nice, fluffy layer of whip cream

I realize that it's a bit stereotypical, given the fact that writers and coffee are often synonymous, but it really is wonderful.
In fact, it might be true love...


  1. If ever I were to like a cup of coffee, I'm sure that would be it.:) Oh, and while you're so many words ahead of me, I know something that might go quite well with it...

  2. I don't usually care for coffee either, but this one stole me. Actually, nothing goes good with coffee in my mind, so, writing distraction crisis averted!

    I may be many words ahead, but I haven't written in days! You should catch up...

  3. Well, maybe not with coffee then, but I ate it for supper last night. Then had it again for breakfast. Then ate it for supper again today...

    Why is it so good? I must make a post on it. I still believe it can work!

  4. Since I missed answering you...
    Maybe you've already figured it out, but here's how I can get to your stats:

    I went to my own stats page, then I looked at the address bar, remembered how much fun it is to correctly guess the changes that will need to be made to gain access to other pages I can't click my way to, and typed in your username in place of my own.:P

  5. What is it?

    Oh... I suppose I should have figured that out on my own. Thanks! :D 'Tis good to know for next month.
