Friday, July 29, 2011

Camp NaNo: Cabins, Questions, And Updates!

Beginning August 1st on Camp NaNoWriMo, the cabins feature will become available to campers. It has been announced that we're doing genre cabins - which is not quite what I thought was going on, but still pretty cool - and that announcement has both made me excited and put a thought into my head. For all of you reading and/or following this blog, this is the official cabin role call!

What cabin will you be camping in this August?

I am going to be camping in the Fantasy Genre Cabin. (Anyone joining me?)


I have some questions about Camp for my fellow bloggers/blog readers. Because I am lacking in both time and information, at the moment, I was hoping you could answer some of these.

1. Does anyone know whether or not a 'friends' feature will be introduced at Camp?

2. Are we, at any point, going to get forums? Or are we just going to use the NaNo ones permanently? 

3. Are the cabins going to receive fun names, as they were in the beginning phases, or has that been edited out?

4. Are we going to have a participation user badge feature like what we have on NaNo?


I've got some blog updates regarding next month. During Camp NaNoWriMo (August), the blog will be turning into a somewhat different place. Namely, a Camp Site. Every Monday and Friday, instead of doing a normal post (with exception of one or two), I'll be doing a 'Camp' post. Meaning, I'll be posting updates about my Camp novel and what sort of Camp related stuff is going on.

I'll probably post things like a book cover (loose idea), a Camp novel soundtrack, a novel summary, word count updates, competitions, and various other things.
Anyone else care to join me in this Blog to Camp Site transition?

Last thing. Next year, I'm totally making a tent for Camp and posting pictures of it.  (This may or may not be just an excuse to build another tent...)


  1. Fantasy cabin! Of course.:)

    I believe the answers to questions 1 and 2 are both no. Definitely no to number 2 at least, I think. I don't know about the other two, but I vaguely remember reading about the first two somewhere.

    I'm going to try to do a better job of actually posting (and actually writing, too) next month. Camp site sounds fun.

    I wanted a tent. Sometime I'll get a proper Camp tent. With a constant supply of trail mix, of course.:)

  2. Cheers to the Fantasy cabin! :D We are going to rock this.

    *sigh* That's what I thought. I'm a little bit sad about the lack of a 'friends' feature. The forums, however, are understandable.

    I guess we'll find out the other two once August starts.

    Me, too, since I let this month get too overrun with other stuff to do.

    Goal for next year? Oh, I hadn't thought of trail mix... what a good idea. Actually, what if the endless supply of 'trailmix' is an endless bag full of inspiration bits? Ha, new idea for next year! Maybe I'll even dedicate a page on here to that sort of thing...

  3. Hopefully as soon as next year.

    The little 99cent trailmix bags are all I have to get me into the Camp spirit, so I've decided they're definitely a requirement.

    I'd love to make my writing area more camp-like now, but with 22,000 words left to go that could be a really bad idea.:P
    I'll just look at the nice tents here. (You have a new background!)

  4. Trail mix is a fine motivation. You can always sing camp songs, too. Those help.

    Hush, you. Just because my month got overrun with other stuff does not give you teasing rights...

    ...Actually, it totally does. :(

    Oh well, I'll beat you next month! Ha!

    I do have a new background! I made it the other day and it took forever! (On a side note, I think I need to buy a Wacom pad.)

    Ooo, do you want a tents background? I can make you one. What colors?

  5. Ah! Beat me? Never!:P

    Ooh, that would be neat. Blue, brown, purple, every other colour in the right shade... Oh. I'm terrible at picking favourite colours. All the clothing I own seems to be blue and brown though, so that might be a good indicator.:P

    I'm not very good at matching colours though, and it might be detrimental to my word count to try to switch text colours to match.

    Maybe you should pick the colours.
    But I think purple would be neat to have in there somewhere, if it makes sense.

  6. Ha! I shall, just you watch!

    I think I can do that. Brown, blue, or purple as the background?

    I'll try to match it to your text somehow as well. No worries.

  7. I finished a trial run. If you don't like it, let me know and I'll try something else. Now I'm going to attempt to figure out how to send this...
