Friday, November 18, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Day 17

This. Is. Not. Going. Well.

Officially, I'm at about 10,000 and some words right now. In case you don't know, that means that I am horribly behind on my word count. I need motivation and inspiration!

I still haven't let myself go into the NaNoWriMo website because of the forums. However, I can say this for certain: I am a novelist in distress!



Whatever. I think I'm going to go to sleep now. Night.


  1. Ha! You think you're behind? I have only 8280 words right now!

    ...Oh wait. This isn't a I'm-farther-behind-than-you contest? Oops.:P

    I don't know that I can be motivating or inspirational, but if it helps at all...

    I fully intend to win.

    In fact... Well, we're at about the same wordcount. I'm willing to bet I can win BEST.

    Just sayin'.:P

    (I may be hinting at another friendly competition here, if that will help. I know it wouldn't hurt me, especially now that my usual constant competitor, my sister, quit on me this year. You up for it?)

  2. One weekend left. How's the wordcount coming?

    Mine's not, but no matter. I intend to fix that on the weekend. My sister decided to start again, but her computer needs repairs next week, so I'll be typing to try and finish with her this weekend (or at least get pretty close).

    My fingers are not going to be happy about this...

  3. Well, it could be a losing contest. I bet I can write negative words... :D

    That is somewhat motivating, I think. Even though I was planning on not trying, I might have to now.

    Hahaha, nuh-uh. I'm going to win best!

    Ha, the word count isn't coming. In fact, I think it's running away. Hurry, tackle it!

    I'm still hoping that I'll be able to push it higher before NaNo is over.

    Ha, best of luck! Promise your fingers a massage after it's all over. Maybe then they'll work harder. XD
